
Goal of the Day.

Goal of the day:

Become the best God damned PHP programmer ever.

First C, then C++, then Java, now JavaScript and PHP. I'm getting a little overwhelmed, and not mastering of these languages. I don't want to be a jack-of-all-trades but master of nothing.

Then again it's Friday, and Food For Less has a fresh, and I mean FRESH pack of Budweiser waiting for me, so there's light at the end of the tunnel.


Sup, Acadamia.

So, I have my first ever big project at UCSD. It's kind of uncommon for someone at my level to not have any other projects under their belt, but then again, most of the other students have either taken one of our design courses (required before we graduate), or have done their own outside projects, or joined campus projects (sorry, bros, I have to work to make my money).

Either way, It's a machine intelligence class, mostly centered around machine vision. The projects mostly involve reading pictures/video and processing them at either a low level (cleaning up images, enhancing, contrasting, etc) or a high level (identifying objects relative to models, etc). Luckily, at our "discussion" section in which we talked about the projects, our professor went in a systematic fashion and basically interviewed each student to get a background of programming, interests, level of proficiency, etc; and he was pleased to hear that my interests lie more in the audio rather than video domain. My project (this is just in a nutshell, and I'm not sure of the details at this point), is to set up a 4 speaker system in a room and play sounds in a surround sound manner. We then remove the two rear speakers, and hopefully achieve the exact same effect of sounds behind the listener. It requires heavy audio processing (not reverb, delay, etc that I'm used to), and might even require the development of our own filters in Pure Data.

Anyway, I'm excited to get started, and even excited to learn a new programming language. I'm tired of C++ and MATLAB.

If I have the motivation, I'm going to post updates to my lj about the project to kind of "document in a less formal manner" my progress.

That's all for now.



So, I might as well put it on here because I don't want the fb crowd to see...

I got to know one of the girls that came along with us to Vegas pretty well, and it seemed like we kind of hit it off. I got her number, and when I came home tried to add her on Facebook. Unfortunately, Greg's girlfriend Christa tried adding her at the same time I did, and she got accepted while I did not.

I feel worse than I should, because I remember in Vegas kind of avoiding her after one of the nights we spent together; I figured I don't need a girlfriend, I've had that, and I'm content bouncing around and focusing on school. But now I don't know.

It may be that she comes from Long Beach (CSU Long Beach grad, by the way), a tan cute beach girl, while I wore tight pants and a shirt that said "I'll Rip You Apart" during the weekend... she drank margaritas poolside while I drank Jack on the rocks while watching LoTR ... but still.

The part that bothers me the most is that I've kind of been waiting for a confirmation or a text more that I thought I would. And it bothers me that it bothers me.

Oh well, fuck it, I guess.


Finally Lost Finale.

Man... :/


And thustly begins the week of finals.

Today, the hardest, but the curviest. Will I ace it? Nah. Will I score above the curve? No doubt about it.
Tomorrow, the easiest, and curvy as well. Will I ace it? It's a possibility. Will I score above the curve? Absolutely.
Wednesday, hard, but not curved at all. Will I ace it? Probably not. Will I score above the curve? Yes, but it doesn't matter. This professor is old school and feels that if you can't get a decent grade without leaning on the crutch of a curve, you don't deserve to be an engineer. I respect that whole heartedly, but I don't know if I'm going to be hanging this grade on Nathan's refrigerator when all's said and done.

With this out of the way, I'd like to take the boat out on a Friday some day. Mayhap someone could get it off and come with?
Also, RDub and I would like to go to Fiesta on Monday. Since it doesn't get dark until 1am these days, it should be cooler than going during the winter when we get 4 and a half minutes of sun.

See you in three days,


Nathan likes to say "Mama Drama"

"Kicked out" again. I put that phrase into quotes because as you all know, a couple Cadbury Eggs and some sweet talking would get mama Bellwick rollin' on my side again, but still.

Shit sucks.

I'm in the UCSD asylum (as you guys put it) trying to study whilst drunk still, and I'm not happy. Not. One. Bit. Try to apply vector calculus to lossy transmission lines and you'll know what I'm talking about.

I'm over this bullshit. The only reason I keep doing this time after time is that I know if I can milk the teats of my parents for a little longer it will all pay off. I don't mean that in a son-of-a-bitch, bastard-son sort of way, It's just that I'd like to move out in a comfortable manner like Mr. Kwol. Clean living with a dash of shitty on a 1lb bun is what I'd like to have. Enough to buy some sweet (non Ikea) furniture and still swing rent and host get-togethers for as long as you guys are alive... Mayhap someday... Mayhap someeeeeday.




It seems Coachella was fun, and for that, I'm glad.

Anyway, these past weeks have been a well fought battle between myself and work (both school and taco), and the weekends fraught with drinking and fun.

Hopefully this weekend will be the same.

Also, this Friday I'd like to see how many naked bitches and 36 packs of Miller we can get into Nathan's complex's pool before the security comes.

I'm willing to bet 10 and 3.