

And thustly begins the week of finals.

Today, the hardest, but the curviest. Will I ace it? Nah. Will I score above the curve? No doubt about it.
Tomorrow, the easiest, and curvy as well. Will I ace it? It's a possibility. Will I score above the curve? Absolutely.
Wednesday, hard, but not curved at all. Will I ace it? Probably not. Will I score above the curve? Yes, but it doesn't matter. This professor is old school and feels that if you can't get a decent grade without leaning on the crutch of a curve, you don't deserve to be an engineer. I respect that whole heartedly, but I don't know if I'm going to be hanging this grade on Nathan's refrigerator when all's said and done.

With this out of the way, I'd like to take the boat out on a Friday some day. Mayhap someone could get it off and come with?
Also, RDub and I would like to go to Fiesta on Monday. Since it doesn't get dark until 1am these days, it should be cooler than going during the winter when we get 4 and a half minutes of sun.

See you in three days,

1 comment:

whocareswgd said...

Good luck bro. Light at the end of the tunnel? We shall celebrate.