
Sup, Acadamia.

So, I have my first ever big project at UCSD. It's kind of uncommon for someone at my level to not have any other projects under their belt, but then again, most of the other students have either taken one of our design courses (required before we graduate), or have done their own outside projects, or joined campus projects (sorry, bros, I have to work to make my money).

Either way, It's a machine intelligence class, mostly centered around machine vision. The projects mostly involve reading pictures/video and processing them at either a low level (cleaning up images, enhancing, contrasting, etc) or a high level (identifying objects relative to models, etc). Luckily, at our "discussion" section in which we talked about the projects, our professor went in a systematic fashion and basically interviewed each student to get a background of programming, interests, level of proficiency, etc; and he was pleased to hear that my interests lie more in the audio rather than video domain. My project (this is just in a nutshell, and I'm not sure of the details at this point), is to set up a 4 speaker system in a room and play sounds in a surround sound manner. We then remove the two rear speakers, and hopefully achieve the exact same effect of sounds behind the listener. It requires heavy audio processing (not reverb, delay, etc that I'm used to), and might even require the development of our own filters in Pure Data.

Anyway, I'm excited to get started, and even excited to learn a new programming language. I'm tired of C++ and MATLAB.

If I have the motivation, I'm going to post updates to my lj about the project to kind of "document in a less formal manner" my progress.

That's all for now.

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