

So, I might as well put it on here because I don't want the fb crowd to see...

I got to know one of the girls that came along with us to Vegas pretty well, and it seemed like we kind of hit it off. I got her number, and when I came home tried to add her on Facebook. Unfortunately, Greg's girlfriend Christa tried adding her at the same time I did, and she got accepted while I did not.

I feel worse than I should, because I remember in Vegas kind of avoiding her after one of the nights we spent together; I figured I don't need a girlfriend, I've had that, and I'm content bouncing around and focusing on school. But now I don't know.

It may be that she comes from Long Beach (CSU Long Beach grad, by the way), a tan cute beach girl, while I wore tight pants and a shirt that said "I'll Rip You Apart" during the weekend... she drank margaritas poolside while I drank Jack on the rocks while watching LoTR ... but still.

The part that bothers me the most is that I've kind of been waiting for a confirmation or a text more that I thought I would. And it bothers me that it bothers me.

Oh well, fuck it, I guess.


whocareswgd said...

Write a song about it? It helps.

Justyn said...

Haha, I guess I will. But it's going to be a post-hardcore Southern gorecore song. So get ready.