

Apparently MIT has lectures posted on youtube.

It's really cool, and contrary to my initial thoughts about MIT, the professors who lecture are really good lecturers (duh), but seem really cool (although it might be that the ones who choose to lecture with a mic while being filmed are the only cool ones). It seems that all the professors I've taken kind of talk down to students; they expect everyone to know the mathematics behind more advanced subjects to all ends. Whereas the guys I've seen on youtube are much more understanding. I watched a video on Fourier Series and at one point the professor said "...well, obvious to me, probably not obvious to you, yet." I wish to God that a professor would utter that in one of my classes.

I know this is falling on deaf ears, but if you have time to waste, see if you can find something you'd like to see:

I think youtube might be an extremely valuable resource for future classes, and also a great motivator. Sitting through classes with professors like I previously mentioned, and reading out of abstract books gets old. And I mean OLD, son. But a fresh new view on old subjects seems to breathe some life into them, and me as well.

1 comment:

whocareswgd said...

They have audio and video podcasts of lectures as well. Used to listen to those way back in the SF days on my way to class...