

Without going into too much detail, it seems I have been buttfucked once again by the administration of UCSD.

Unfortunately for me, I have to take 4 core advanced Electrical Engineering classes this quarter, just to get them finished for next quarter in which close to nothing is offered. It's either this option or I could take three classes now, and be even further behind than what I already am. Which is a lot, by the way.

I used to say that the administrations directly reflect the level of acadamia, ie, High School administration is a joke, Grossmont didn't know what they were doing to the fullest, and this administration has their heads on straight. However, I was wrong. Talking to my 'advisor' (who by the way is only a couple years older than I am, and who, I'm almost certain, has no degree in electrical engineering) results in a dead end conversation about classes that she seems to know nothing about. Last quarter she recommended to one of my peers that taking one of our engineering classes without taking the preqreq'ed engineering class would result in almost certain failure, and yet this quarter that exact prereq. has been lifted because it had little to nothing to do with the class!!!

Sorry if I'm ranting but this sucks. This will probably be in the top 2 hardest semesters/quarters I will ever take, followed by one of the easiest and lightest quarters I will ever take.


Fuck you, UCSD. I always knew State was better from the beginning ;)


whocareswgd said...

One thing I've always lived by regarding the housekeeping aspect of college, and even high school, is that counselors are useless and they've devoted all of their time to doing things that people can and should do easily themselves. It has nothing to do with UCSD, all counseling offices suck. I only finished on time because I loaded up classes that were RECOMMENDED to be done after classes. In other words, as long as the class doesn't have a computer enforced pre-req, or they physically drag you out of the room when you show up, take the class. Don't trust the school, trust yourself.

Justyn said...

Yea, I agree too, but the thing is with our school (maybe/probably not the same with yours) is that the registration for classes which is purely online seems to hard block even MORE classes than what's needed. I've seen people take classes with written consent and a flurry of emails because in the end the professors are the ones who know what the classes are like, and which classes are really needed for each other. So yea, while I agree completely with you, unless you're following the ludicrous rules, you'll eventually have to sack up and lay the whoop down on a dumb-ass adviser sooner or sooner (did that on purpose).