
In the works.

I passed the idea of expanding the shed a little bit more upwards and outwards since the floors are starting to rot, and we need to rip it out and rebuild it anyway, to my mom and dad tonight. Surprisingly it seems to have actually been accepted into the 'consideration' file. My pa says it shouldn't cost more than $300-$400, and with the addition of stuff that I think should be there like sound deadening wood and a separate vocal booth, it still shouldn't be too much more than $500.

I've gone through a transformation this weekend. EE's have to choose 'depth' courses to take before they graduate, and I think my calling is in signal processing as it opens up a door that splits two different things I love to do: engineering and musical recording. Anywho, pretty soon I think the shed is going to be more legit than anyone can even imagine.

I'm ready, are you?

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