
Deep Funk

So it seems I'm trapped in an invisible gelatinous funk right now. Yesterday I 'played hooky' as my mom still puts it, and accomplished nothing short of the podcast and stuffing my face with sweet sweet cali burrito (sorry, Martin). I'm hoping this funk only lasts for the rest of today, and I can get important stuff done tomorrow; because Thanksgiving is one of my two or so hibernation days, and there ain't a way shy of calling my mom's cell phone and telling her it's an emergency to get a hold of me.

Anywho, it seems everything else is moving along nicely and this last weekend spent sucking down the amazing nectar they call "Bud Light Wheat" in front of House and the Kowalski gang (which loosely includes Chris) followed by a cold kah set with the inner Ryder circle and C-girls was just what the doctor ordered. I got some sweet extra hours over the weekend (and any extra hour I get is overtime since normally I work right up to that 8 hour max) and picked up a sweet paycheck... which brings me to the next paragraph:

I FINALLY bought enough cables and drum mic clips to have an actual drum recording studio (ish). I went into GC with the intention of buying another drum mic as well, but if I were to have, it would have to be a legitimate bass drum mic which runs in the area of $200 or so. I furiously tried stealing all the small things I could to bring the price down enough to justify dumping such money on a large diaphram in a little plastic case, but couldn't bring myself to it. In the end I walked out $70 poorer, with only cables and clips in hand. Fucking rip off.

All I need is that last mic and I can independently mic the bass drum, snare, all three toms, and have a condenser mic over the cymbals. One new song has been posted (without lyrics) on the PoSL page, and although its still really sloppy, and without bass, I think it turned out well enough to warrant plays. So check it, br∅s. Oh and if the ball ever starts rolling and there's a crazy off chance that someone is like "Play a show with us!" or something, Tom's down to get diXie on the bass. JUST SAYIN'.


1 comment:

Chris Chadwick said...

I could "get dixie" if the price was right...JK but I'd help you out if you got offered a gig or something.