

A while back, I bought a kiddie pool for Turtie. Today, I bought a six of Miller Light, blew that fucker up, put on some sunscreen and chilled with my boy.

Six beers later, my dad caught me, knew I drank all six and was a little tipsy, mom thought I had 2, and she was pissed.

Whatever. Spitches.

Again, Memphis May Fire; Sleepwalking, and also, Greenley Estates; Go West Young Man, Let the Evil Go East. Both are so badass, especially the former.

Work called, but I'm too sideways to make tacos.

Brittany's (Kam's ex gf) birthday party with a keg (if you want to go, let me know, otherwise I'm also too tipsy to drive) is today.

Las Vegas coming up, and right now? Well, my friends, right now, it's time for a DS and to watch my bro play Diablo II. Yea, it's old! So what!?

Expanding on the just-mentioned: my brother always watches me play video games, and although we don't have a super tight relationship, I feel so much better when he even takes the time to come watch and talk some shit.

Cherish those around you.
Wow, that's gay ^.


PS, I went shop(lifting)ping and (b)go(ough)t some cool stuff. Stole some 511's (Levis skinny. Only MEN wear Levis), a designer shirt from JC Penny, and actually PAID $50 for a southern black button up, but trust me: that button up is maybe the coolest you've ever seen.

PPS, like my use of parentheses? I do.

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