

I don't have anything important to blog about, but It's vital that you all know what's going on in my life, in hopes that someday we can bring up a conversation that involves the phrase 'did you read my blog?' and others can feel left out.


School sucks, man. I'm doing too much probability and DSP (wiki it, fags), and not enough analog circuit analysis. I spend 90% of my homework time on Cramster.com (Google it, fags), and feel like I've learned next to nothing. If I reach into my big bag of excuses, I can pull out the biggest, which is that I'm just not interested in what I'm doing. I just hope that it is, in fact, a legitimate excuse, and not that I'm getting dumber, or that the metaphorical water in the air tight submarine is starting to fill up to the point in which I can't breathe, and I choose to let myself drown for a little period of time while Ed Harris drags me back to the ship to give me mouth-to-mouth after the worst has passed (Netflix it, fags).

Other than that, I'm ready to fuck this quarter up, and then drink it away.
Also, you all know, so I don't have to quite say that the OB band thing isn't going too shitty. Nathan put it a good way, and although I can't remember the exact words he used, it's nice to live that different, drug infested, rock star sort of lifestyle, but realize that I will always have a safety line tethered to my foot that leads all the way back down the 52 East into East County :3

PS, no matter what size I use, or how I try to format it, my pictures always seem to bleed off to the right of my page. Someone fix it, because I don't waste my time with simple HTML.

1 comment:

whocareswgd said...

Whew! I thought I was the only one who seemed to go through each semester thinking, "OK, when are we going to start doing the GOOD stuff?", until one day I looked up and it was all over. That's it? Oh well, it should turn around for you at some point way down the line. Until then, however, you just gotta suck it up and accept the fact that school isn't THAT fun. What, did you forget already? You miss the days when you could use the public school system's dumbed-down attitude as an excuse to slack? "Psh, this shit is too easy and pointless, I'll just try in college when it ACTUALLY matters". Yeah right. I have Matt Groening's ''School Is Hell'' if you need a refresher on what to expect from school or life in general, I highly suggest it.

Sorry, that may have been harsh. But it makes me feel better to know that SOMEONE else besides me is feeling that way, so I'm going to selfishly take pleasure from your pain. You can at least trudge on and keep in mind that all your hard work will get you right where you want to be, and that it will pay off more for you in the end than for others who chose not to. SUPPOSEDLY.

Send me your source code, I'll fix your HTML.