

My vacation is slowly wrapping up, so let's wrap this bitch up as quickly as possible.

Didn't have fun at Kate's, but if she paid me $10/hour, I'd be more exited for it.
Birthday rocked the hizzy in Rancho.
Recorded a siq song that will probably top the billboards.
Exchanged almost all of my gifts with friends, except a few (there's one more gift I have to give, STILL).
Got some new pants (they don't fit), socks, Assassin's Creed II, and Fun Dip (very funny, mom) for X-mas.
Saw Avatar last night (I give it a good 4.5 out of 5) and kept the 3-d glasses.
Finishing up the album, and SPEAKING of which, Ryan gave me a harmonica (that's right ;).
Mayhap going to the snow tomorrow with Casey Chattle and NicSkoal.
And of course, doing nothing too much at this exact moment.

I've been losing myself in wikipedia more and more frequently these days, and I suggest you all do the same. One could lose their place and mind. When you finally come back to reality with 20+ tabs open in Firefox (or Safari if you're a bitch) (or Chrome if you're a bitch), you almost forget the first most subject that led you down the rabbit hole. I've also been meticulously looking for books on Amazon. It seems that although buying one book and stealing two every time I go to Barnes and Noble is easy on the old butt leather (wallet), it's just as cheap as buying the three books for utterly low prices on the 'Zon (as us veterans call it).

Seacrest Out.

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