
This is the Weirdest Thing Ever.

So as my school sleep schedule is catching up with me, I accidentally fell asleep with the TV on at around 10pm.

Ironically, before I did so, not RIGHT before, but at some juncture last night, I remember thinking that I don't really have sick ass dreams anymore. This night, friends, I had what I would completely classify as a 'sick ass dream.'
Where to begin!?
And it's fading so fast!

I've been reading too many Niven novels, because I dreamed I was helping an alien eat. But he had to eat alien food, not human food, as it would be the equivalent of one of US drinking salt water to quench thirst. It's just not nutritionally life sustaining. The alien food was contained in this one place called the Salk Institute (which is real, by the way, I walk by it on Torrey Pines every day on the way to class!) and my good (real) engineering friend Jay worked there. So I asked him where to find it and how to get it, and he told me, etc.
I know it's weird, but it's a dream, so bare with me.
Later, the scene shifted and I was walking through what my brain registered as a casino, although I didn't see any gambling, with Jay trying to pry more Salk Institute information from him. Here, we met and were walking with ANOTHER engineering buddy of mine, Matt (another real guy, but I'm not a huge fan of him). There was an announcement over the loudspeakers that there was a special guest present in the casino!

I'll cut a lot of stuff out, but later on, not too later, I was walking down some steps (I can remember this so vividly!) and passed a woman who represented the human race nude from the back on my right and heard over the loudspeakers again something like "... the creation of man...", "please welcome Rickard Dawkins!" From the casino people were going crazy! The applause was so intense it made the sound of Niagara falls seem childish! Anyway, I let the applause subside for a little bit, then I turn to my two engineering friends. I Made sure they could hear, plus some more people around me. And with the crowd volume subsiding, I yell this to Matt and Jay:


I woke up catching the tail end of Stephen Colbert's interview with Richard Dawkins on the Colbert report, TV still accidentally on! That's the first time an outside source has effected my dream, and it was one of the coolest things I've ever experienced!

Although, I'm not sure if the effect is as pronounced with all of you, but dreams tend to have (for some reason) a huge impact on me when I remember them and fade withing the course of a couple or so days. Like although I know it didn't happen, in a sense it did. I might be making this sound cooler than it actually was, and look back in a couple days like 'what was I thinking this is fucking stupid.'

Anyway, I woke laughing when I saw that on the TV. Literally... vocally laughing. Now it's 2:45am, and hopefully I can fall asleep again.

1 comment:

Martin said...

dude the same thing's happened to me a couple times where I fall asleep with a DVD on and it'll end and go to the menu and the song on the DVD menu ends up in my dream and I wake up and hear it, it's wierd

I love you