
Like Little Kids

So after work I bought a 24 of Pabst and cruised to Greg's. This is my account:

Got really drunk, dressed up as a bro, including spiked hair, to fit in with Tara's crowd of people and went under an alias "Austyn" to her house to hang out.
Unfortunately, and also to my surprise, she recognized me and even knew my name.
Went to a little restaurant where we acted like complete jackasses.
Told an old guy in a Hawaiian shirt to suck my cock because he commented on my sagging shorts.
Smoked a stogy with Greg.
Literally lifted the back end of a car and slid it diagonally so one of our other friends could back out.
Got free drinks (fountain drinks) out of a soda fountain a couple turns away from the bathroom and slightly in the kitchen at this restaurant.
Stole the glass.
Jammed on Greg's electric Roland drum kit.
Bonded with his dogs, and finally fell asleep.

Sometimes it's good to get away and act like little kids again, because here, shit wouldn't fly.

BIG NEWS: Got a room on the 21st at Barona. The Rancho guys and you are coming (or invited at least). Including you, Martin!!!

EDIT: I had to throw this in there. To Chuck and Josh: finally.

1 comment:

Martin said...

haha last time we went there I got beat up.....by a girl

bad memories at barona