

Seems the comments/responses from you people have become few and far in between, but let me put this one out there for you to put in your lip and suck:

I've been asked to audition for a band in the downtown/OB area. Seems my old engineering buddy Adam (stoner that I mentioned in a previous post, but a completely capable and fantastic aerospace engineer) is producing this band, and knows that I play drums. He gave me their CD, and I really enjoyed it. I said I would try to record my own drums next to the songs and mix them best I can so they have a recording with me on it, but am now finding out that it would probably be better if I did it in their studio. They use a hand drum for the percussion on their tracks (a conga, if my ears don't deceive me) and the loud high pitched hand slap that simulates a snare throws me off. If you aren't straight 100% on beat with it, it sounds like a sloppy flam, and I can't get down their exact tempo to a met (if they even used one, which I doubt). It sounds really good. Mostly in 3/4 time, and I would say a mix between some bluesey 3/4 stuff mixed with say, Sublime's acoustic stuff. Well within my playing capabilities, if not right up my alley (as soon as I buff out the dings and chips in my 3/4 playing ability).

I'm down to try it out and we'll see where it goes as the trap set is my #1 instrument of choice, or at least #1 serious instrument.

Also, tomorrow is my final for summer session two, or sumsesh duex, as I like to call it, and would enjoy it if we went somewhere special this weekend. Somewhere where we can sit and have a beer in a great outdoorsy place. The summer nights feel great and I'm writing this from the backyard patio in my trunks and a t-shirt. Anyway, we should go somewhere that has lots of rocks.... and maybe gargoyles. Maybe somewhere where they can fill up like take home bottles, or glasses with beer...

Q. You guys know of anywhere like that?

A. ǝuoʇs

1 comment:

whocareswgd said...

I'd be down for a little Stone trip on Saturday. I hate that I lost my 2-liter at Ruben's that night, so I may buy a new one or just use the 1-liter backup. Also, Chris's birthday is this weekend, don't forget.

BTW, there's no one else on this blog, so I don't know who you're asking to comment or post...we're pretty much talking to ourselves.