
Back to School BETA

So today was the first day of school. And yea, it's a Thursday, which is why I call it BETA. School shouldn't, or at least doesn't feel like it starts mid-week.

So, I bought my first UCSD paraphernalia in the form of a towel for the gym, which I promptly lost not even 20 minutes later (I don't care, they require you have one), so I'm still college-junkless for the time being.

In terms of the 'ol GSD meter (copywrite Bellwolski Enterprises) this quarter should rate around a 7 at most. Two easy classes (I'm hoping) but one of the harder EE classes which is taught by the lowest rated professor (according to our student survey) at 7:30 in the morning twice a week with a discussion on Friday at 9. Hopefully my bountiful time spent here on campus during my breaks thanks to a shitty schedule will help me through it. Also, it's an analog circuits class, and I'm coming to find out that most of my peers hate the analog world and love digital; while I can't be more opposite. I mean, digital is cool and all, but I'd rather be designing amps and high voltage high current things than sitting in front of a computer trying to design say a remote control for a TV. And FURTHERMORE, everything digital rises from the analogs of the real world. It's like they like to study cooking, but don't like to study ingredients. Oh well.

Other than that, I'm working the weekends and hopefully getting off work at around 8 to 10 on Saturdays excluding this one coming up in which I won't be working at all. I'm going with Greg and Rick and The Dubz to Stone early, and hopefully meeting you guys later at night. Greg wants to get food, but I'm making sure I eat before so I don't have to spend $30 on a mediocre plate.

The PSP is modded beyond belief, and as is with my methods I didn't stop until I really fucked it up. However, as also with my methods, I learned how to fix it and now she's running just fine. Point being, now I have some mild entertainment up here since torrenting has been shut down (I mean REALLY shut down, I've tried everything my brain and the internet suggest to no avail) and the little Texas Hold 'em game on my Zune only goes so far.

I've quit smoking the little that I do smoke, and after this night will no longer accept cigarette donations. On the other side of the coin, however, I have removed the moderation that I had in place when it came to chewing tobacco so now only the pain in my inner lip will stifle that addiction.

Feels I've run out of things to write, and I'm off to my other Electrical Engineering (which EE is short for, if you didn't understand earlier) class: another digital class in the long line of digital classes I'm to take for the next two ears.

Everyone have a good day at work and school, and as I said earlier, I will see you all Saturday, if not tonight for seez 5 eppie 2 of 'It's Always Sunny.'


1 comment:

whocareswgd said...

I think we need to find more PSP users and get some gaming going. I know Leo has one, I modded it myself for him back in the day.

What time is Stone on Saturday? If it's fairly early and you wanna get out of an expensive mediocre dinner, we should just head to the Aztec game at 5:00. I guess it depends on when you're actually going.

Hopefully I'll make it in time for Sunny tonight. Is it like a little weeknight party or just watch the show and bail? I'll probably be getting there late.