
I'm on a boat!!

Although I have almost no money whatsoever, for the first time in recorded history I called out of a Sunday.

I went sailing.

It was the coolest most fun things I've done in years and years. I went out with Scott Larson, an engineering buddy from Indiana, Monica, Bridget and Scott's friend Astrid. We talked about electronics, girls, life and everything. Oddly enough, before we went we grabbed beers and he instantly reached for the 32 High Life's. Like my other-side-of-the-country counterpart.

Afterwords, Scott, Bridget, Monica and I went to Hodad's (I guess it was on the travel channel for one of the best burger joints ever). After finishing my Bacon Cheeseburger they suggested going to Monica's for a swim, yet I opted out as I really needed to get my desktop fixed and do homework. Although I probably missed out on hot wet Bridget and Monica, the computer thing was eating away at me.

Anyway, I owe Scott for the sail boat rental so I think we're going to In 'n Out tomorrow if anyone wants to go (I think Chris is the only other person who even knows him).

Also, second consistent week of going to the gym (for free I might add) at the Y with Brandyn and I'm already noticing some cool progress. Econ is going swell and I think I'll see everyone on Saturday probably.


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