
Econ, bitches.

So I've talked to a couple advisers, and with much though I have planned my classes through Winter of 2010.

For the near future, I am going to be taking macroeconomics for the first summer session which starts at 11, and monetary economics for the second session which starts at 8am :'(

Farther in the future I'll be taking more EE classes, the details of which aren't important.
Point is, fortunately for me, I didn't really fuck up by taking 3 econ. classes at Grossmont. In the end, I have to have 4 professional electives for UCSD, and two of the three from Gmont pass over. This is a huge step since shortening the work is a HUGE plus. Transfer students, and especially engineers, have to sometimes take duplicate classes in the case they don't transfer from JC's to UC's, or overlap in professional elective classes, technical elective classes, or other major requirements. However, in my case it works out perfectly.

If I can really get my classes planned, and get my act together I might be able to graduate in 2 years at UCSD. This is almost unheard of for engineers, and even more so for transfer students. Again, this would be another huge plus because I love UCSD, and want to spend more time there. If I get my BSEE so fast, I could seriously consider getting my MSEE. At such a young age, why not get all the degrees and credentials I can?

So 2 more years in the optimum situation...

It could be done.

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