

So tomorrow morning is my chem final.

As you all know, I hate chem, and it is the bitch science. It all derives from physics anyway, but these chem scientists just have to make everything a couple notches gayer.

Anywho, I'm going to fail it hard core. I'm just praying that I have enough points to keep my head above the water so I don't have to take it again.

If I do, however, I can fit it in during the summer and I'm taking easy peasy econ classes as well as alright classes next quarter (and I'm also only taking 12 units rather than 16), so my gpa should stay above embarrassing with the help of all of that.

Wish me luck and expect a blog tomorrow either saying it was what I expected or it was considerably gayer and that I probably won't pass.

Going to bed now, blowing off studying with only half my cheat sheet filled out. I don't even care anymore.

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