
Three things.

1) Took my middy in music, and aced it. Embarrassing story: there's a section in which we watch a video of 6 North Indian performers, and have to identify the 4 instruments (4 because there was three of the same kind). Afterwords this one chick pipes in "but there was six instruments." For some reason I can't constrain myself from shooting back at stupid comments, and I piped back "yea, but there was 3 sitars." I looked back down at my test, and people started laughing. I thought 'why are there laughing? Was I wrong, oh my God I look like an idiot because there really wasn't. Maybe I was wrong, and there were 2 and another instrument I didn't know.' Three minutes later, and I utter 'fuck' under my breath. I was right, but I gave away the answer to one of the instruments. First off, if people don't know what a sitar is in this class, they deserve to fail, but still. Rikki will never let me live it down.

2) Let's go to Stone this weekend!

3) Going to Sun God the 15th, Nicks is coming, and we're going to 'abuse' some 'substances.' if anyone's down to go, you're invited! :D


Chris Chadwick said...

I'm on board with number 2 and possibly 3. How long are you gonna be at Sun God?

whocareswgd said...

Definitely Stone on Saturday. Double time for me since I'll be up there with mama on Friday too.